Someone asked me if I knew how to create an event in Google Calendar using the address of a contact.
To be honest, I did not know if this was possible. But after a little searching, I found it was something many were asking.
So i set this challenge: Make a Bookmarklet to create events using information from a web page.
Mainly contact information, but , I gave up this idea after trying to understand the page code of Google Contacts xDDDD
So, for the event i will use two sources of information:
1) The web page title 2) The text you select/mark on the web
This Bookmarklet will create a Google Calendar event with this info:
title : the title from the current web page. where : here will appear the selected text description : here will appear the selected text
Here is the code, feel free to use it or improve it
javascript: var title=document.title; var url=’’; var space=’ ‘; var body, popw; if(document.selection) { body=space document.selection.createRange().txt; } else if (window.getSelection) { body=space window.getSelection(); } else if (document.getSelection) { body=space document.getSelection(); } function buildCalendarURL(eventDetails) { return “” “&text=” eventDetails.title “&location=” eventDetails.location “&details=” eventDetails.details “&sprop=” eventDetails.url; } var eventDetails = new Object(); eventDetails.title = escape(title); eventDetails.location = escape(body); eventDetails.details = escape(body); eventDetails.url = escape(location.href); url = buildCalendarURL(eventDetails); popw =,’gcal’,’scrollbars=yes,width=1000,height=600,top=175,left=75,status=no,resizable=yes’); if (!document.all) T = (setTimeout(‘popw.focus()’,50)); void(0);