Your code is STUPID! My code is STUPID!
Almost all of the code around the world is STUPID!
And if you get offended, is a good thing.
I know nobody likes to hear their code is STUPID. Me neither!
But you have to swallow your pride.
Dont get me wrong, i´m saying that your code is STUPID, not you!
How to detect if your code is STUPID?
What characterizes STUPID **code? What makes code **STUPID?
- S ingleton
- T ight coupling
- U ntestability
- P remature Optimization
- I ndescriptive Naming
- D uplication
If you can find those patterns in your code, then your code is STUPID.
How to make your code don’t be STUPID?
To achieve this, what you need is a SOLID GRASP!
Yes! SOLID ** and **GRASP
A collection of Object-oriented design principles for “good code”.
- S ingle responsibility principle
- O pen/closed principle
- L iskov substitution principle
- I nterface segregation principle
- D ependency inversion principle
- G eneral
- R esponsibility
- A ssignment
- S oftware
- P atterns (or Principles)
The different patterns and principles used in GRASP are: Controller, Creator, Indirection, Information Expert, High Cohesion, Low Coupling, Polymorphism, Protected Variations, and Pure Fabrication.
With that information, its time for SMART coding!